The #1 Financial Divorce Blog
The most trusted divorce preparation blog providing financial tips and insights from top experts to help you prepare for divorce
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The section below is our suggested reading if you’re just getting started on your divorce journey
Divorce Financial Preparation Blogs & Articles
Financial divorce preparation tips and insights from top divorce experts. Learn the latest financial divorce techniques and strategies to ensure you’re prepared for divorce.
How to Negotiate with a Narcissist with Rebecca Zung, Esq
In this episode of We Chat Divorce, we’re joined by Rebecca Zung to discuss the topic of How to Negotiate With a Narcissist.
What You Need To Know Before You Get Married, Gabrielle Hartley, Esq
In this episode of We Chat Divorce, we’re joined by Gabrielle Hartley to discuss the topic of What You Need to Know Before You Get Married.
Life Insurance and Divorce with Grace C. Roessler, Esq.
On this episode of We Chat Divorce we welcomed Grace C. Roessler, Esq. to discuss life insurance and divorce. Grace is an associate at Mirick O'Connell's Family Law and Divorce Group in Boston.
Heal, Grow and Thrive Beyond Divorce
On this episode of We Chat Divorce we welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, Ph.D. a.k.a. The Divorce Doctor. Dr. Cohen is the CEO and founder of the online divorce course and membership called Afterglow: The Light at the Other Side of Divorce.
Are You Being Bullied in Divorce?
Bullying doesn’t just happen on the playground. Many people feel bullied during divorce, either by their spouse, their spouse’s attorney, or the court system. As the Co-Founder of the MDS Financial Portrait our clients are encouraged to stay empowered with financial clarity, so they don’t feel like they have little or no control over what happens before, during or after divorce.
Business Valuations and Divorce with Melissa Gragg, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CDFA
On this episode of We Chat Divorce we welcomed Melissa A. Gragg, CVA, CFE, MAFF, CDFA, and owner of Bridge Valuation Partners. Melissa provides litigation support services and expert witness testimony for marital dissolution, owner disputes, commercial litigation, business interruption claims, personal damage calculations, lost profits, and personal injury. She also conducts business valuations for purposes of estate planning as well as mergers and acquisitions.
Four Early Divorce Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
On this special bonus episode of We Chat Divorce, we are welcoming not just one but TWO AMAZING guests, Casey Shevin and Sonia Queralt, Co-founders of Divorceify.
What price are you willing to pay for love?
Are you wondering what price you would pay for love? In this article we share the viewpoint of Holly Hughes, intuitive healer and published author, and Catherine Shanahan, CDFA and Co-Founder of My Divorce Solution.
Mediation: Your Key to Finding Justice in Divorce
How does a judge decide who gets what in a divorce? I really don’t know. What I can tell you is that your best bet is mediation.
How to Eliminate the High Cost of Discovery in your Divorce
Unfortunately, the cost of discovery can quickly get out of control. Here is the best way to keep legal fees down in the long run.
Overcoming the “Divorce is Death” Mindset with Michelle Dempsey
In this month’s episode, we are welcoming Michelle Dempsey-Multack to the We Chat Divorce Podcast to talk about Overcoming the “Divorce is Death” Mindset.
Facing Divorce? Use These Four Tips to Develop Your Budget
Establishing a budget is essential and critical to your financial well-being. The lack of a lifestyle and post-divorce budget can result in settlement agreements and court orders adversely affecting your financial future.
5 Things You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive During and After a Divorce
In this interview with Authority Magazine, Karen and Catherine outline 5 things you need to know to survive and thrive during a divorce.
Who’s On Your Team? (And I’m Not Referring to The Big Game)
If this month has your thoughts turning to the possibility of divorce, don’t try to do it alone - put together your own winning team! Here are some of the people that you should add to your roster.
Philadelphia Business Journal Ranks My Divorce Solution Among Largest 50 Women-Owned Businesses in Philadelphia Region
My Divorce Solution, a divorce financial solution company, is pleased to announce that the Philadelphia Business Journal has ranked it among the largest 50 women-owned businesses in the Philadelphia region.
If You’re Considering Divorce, Know Your Options with Stock Options
Know your options! Poor advice, combined with a general lack of knowledge about stock options, can lead to poor, costly decisions.
Don’t Get Spooked by These 3 Financially Scary Divorce Situations
Divorce is scary, and rightfully so. The life you thought you had or wanted with your partner took a turn you weren’t really expecting. Here are a few frightening financial mistakes that you want to avoid.
Details! Details! – Don’t Overlook the Details in Your Divorce Agreement
Here are our top 5 details not to overlook to ensure you don’t fall victim to the financial pitfalls of a poorly written divorce agreement!
Money and your Marriage: Are You in the Know?
Financial knowledge is your right. Being happy is your right. You have a right to know about any asset acquired during your marriage. Being financially dependent on someone is your decision.
6 Ways a Self-Quarantine During COVID-19 Could Help You in Divorce
Back to BlogBy: Catherine Shanahan, CDFA For those in an unhappy marriage, the thought of being quarantined with your spouse for a day, let alone months, is unimaginable. In these cases, you may wish there was a requirement for spouses to incorporate social...
Thinking Divorce? It Matters Where You Start
For many, when approaching the new year, new beginnings are considered. Maybe for you that means moving forward with divorce. The first question you may have is “Where do I start?” How do I have clarity and deal with the anxiety of this very critical and emotional...
Inaugural Mrs2Me Summit Launches in Hilton Head, SC: Taking on Life After Divorce
Divorce brings challenges and stress, no matter if you’re thinking about it, going through it, or taking that first step into your new post-divorce life. Knowing what to expect each step of the way is key, but where to begin? This is why we created the Mrs2Me...
Join Us For The Mrs2Me Summit: Embracing the Divorce Journey and its Impact on Women
The Mrs2Me Summit: Embracing the Divorce Journey and its Impact on Women features a unique combination of a knowledgeable faculty, a stimulating but safe atmosphere and a relaxing locale.
Understanding Your Financial Portrait Before Leaping Into Divorce
Catherine shares the importance of getting comfortable talking about money and how to protect yourself with a Financial Portrait by My Divorce Solution.
Going From Mrs2Me and The Grey Divorce Phenomenon
Catherine shares a story about her own divorce experience as a backdrop for exploring the Grey Divorce Phenomenon in the era of the #metoo movement.
My Divorce Solution and Philly Wine Week tells Her Story with Kathy Romano
Owners of My Divorce Solution, Catherine Shanahan & Karen Chellew, have advice for woman going through a divorce. Listen as they tell their story with Kathy Romano.
What is your (filing) status?
In 2019 the new tax law will be in effect, which states, the paying party will no longer have the ability to deduct the payment as a write off.
Thinking Divorce? First Things First
If you're thinking about divorce, know that knowledge is power and what you can expect before, during and after the divorce with this guide.
Four Ways to Get Divorced that You Need to Know
If you've decided that divorce is best option for you at this point, become familiar with the 4 types of divorce and the ways you can get divorced.
The Basic Steps to Divorce
Here is a handy visual guide to give you a high-level overview of the divorce process
Downloadable Articles
20 Divorce Do’s and Don’ts As We Closeout 2020
4 Things to Do Now to Protect Your Credit Health During Divorce
We Chat Divorce: Before Divorce, What Should I Consider?
Navigating Divorce: Women Helping Women
5 Things That Will Change Your Divorce For the Better
Bullied in Divorce? 3 Positive Ways to Stand Up for Yourself
Thinking About Divorce? Where Do I Start?
10 Questions for Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney
What This Divorcee Knows About a Lasting Marriage
The #1 Financial Divorce Blog
The most trusted divorce preparation blog providing financial tips and insights from top experts to help you prepare for divorce
Use the button above to subscribe to the #1 Financial Divorce Blog and receive our Financial Divorce Preparation Checklist free!