Understand your settlement options and make confident decisions in your divorce

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Millions of Dollars
Saved for Clients
Client Satisfaction

Client Referrals

As Seen In

Trusted by the top divorce experts

Secure the Quality of Life You Deserve Post-Divorce

Without having an overly complicated and contentious divorce legal battle

Average Divorce

  • No plan for divorce
  • Time-consuming and expensive discovery process
  • Incomplete financial analysis
  • Lengthy divorce
  • Costly legal fees
  • Contentious legal battle
  • Winner and loser

Divorce Financial Portrait ™

  • Personalized financial divorce plan
  • Efficient, patent-pending divorce preparation process
  • Complete, accurate and neutral financial analysis
  • Faster divorce
  • Fewer legal fees
  • More amicable
  • Compromise and equitable outcomes for both parties

Take our Divorce Assessment to See if You Qualify for My Divorce Solution

Secure Your Financial Future with
Financial Divorce Prep

Divorce preparation through financial planning

The Divorce Financial Portrait™ is a personalized financial divorce plan.

Save up to 80% on divorce costs with the #1 way to prepare for divorce – The Divorce Financial Portrait™.

Invest in yourself, prepare for divorce, and secure your financial future.

Take our Divorce Assessment to See if You Qualify for My Divorce Solution

Divorce Preparation

How We Help You Prepare for Divorce

Divorce Financial Portrait™

Prepare for divorce and protect your future with financial insights

Divorce U

Self paced Divorce 101 guide so you know what to expect and how to prepare for divorce

Coming Soon…


A women’s weekend of connection and expert wisdom for self redesign

We Chat
Divorce Podcast

Demystify divorce and explore its financial impacts

The Divorce Financial Portrait ™ saves
time, money, and frustration

The Divorce Financial Portrait ™ streamlines the expensive and time-consuming Discovery and Settlement processes – Reducing divorce costs by 80%!

Without Divorce Financial Portrait™ Divorce Financial Portrait™
Divorce Financial Portrait™ $0 $5,000
Pleadings and Financial Statements $4,000 $0
Conferences $6,500 $0
Discovery Phase $25,000 $0
Settlement or Trial $20,000 $0
TOTAL $55,000 $5,000

*Average Divorce Financial Portrait cost.  Personalized pricing will vary based on individual situation. 

Save 80% on divorce costs – on average – by working with My Divorce Solution

Take our Divorce Assessment to See if You Qualify for My Divorce Solution

Client Testimonials

“Finally, someone is giving me a solution so that I can move on.
Thank you!”

“Thank you for what you did. You and this course have given me the knowledge I need to stand up for myself.”

Take our Divorce Assessment to See if You Qualify for My Divorce Solution

We Chat Divorce Podcast

The #1 Podcast for Financial Divorce Preparation Tips and Strategies.

We Chat Will Be Right Back!

You heard it here first! We are taking a short break from the We Chat Divorce Podcast, and coming back better than ever! Starting Fall 2024, our podcast will be released in seasons! Each season, we will dive even deeper into certain topics like… Preparing...

115. The Flawed Premises In Divorce Financial Planning

Welcome back to another episode of We Chat Divorce! Today, we chatted with Dawn Wiggins, a Marriage and Family Therapist, on everything from the importance of separating from your emotions to getting prepared, and developing strategies to navigate your divorce with...

In We Chat Divorce, we demystify divorce – offering bimonthly deep dives into divorce and its financial impacts.

In each episode, we break down a divorce topic and examine its impacts on your finances. The financial aspect of divorce is often overshadowed by the legal process, yet divorce plays such a large role in the security of your financial future.
Join us each episode as we chat divorce, shine light on the tough topics of divorce, and bring clarity and confidence to your divorce journey.

Your hosts, Karen Chellew, Legal Liaison, and Catherine Shanahan, CDFA, co-founders of My Divorce Solution, have both experienced divorce and deliver timely divorce insights and information – from both professional and personal experience.

Divorce Blogs and Articles

Financial Divorce Tips and Insights from Divorce Professionals and Experts


What is the Divorce Financial Portrait™?
A personalized financial divorce plan that prepares you for divorce.

The Divorce Financial Portrait™ includes:

  • CDFA Financial Analysis – Expert financial analysis, based on your income, assets, expenses, and liabilities, with property division scenario based on client(s)’ request
  • Financial Disclosures – State specific financial disclosures and family budgets
  • Settlement Negotiation Tool – A comprehensive report identifying property settlement considerations and implications
  • Divorce Preparation Platform – Secure, mobile access to us and your catalogue of documents anytime, anywhere
  • Support Calculations – Financial calculations for support (if applicable) 

The Divorce Financial Portrait™ puts you in control of your divorce – giving you the financial insights required to make informed, confident decisions throughout divorce. 

Does The Divorce Financial Portrait™ Work in My State?
Yes, all of our services, including the Divorce Financial Portrait™, are available in all 50 US States. 


Can I Work with My Divorce Solution If I Already Have a Lawyer or Mediator?
Yes! We love working with client(s) who’ve connected to a professional divorce team.  Our work does not replace attorneys or mediators.  We are additive – not replacements. 

The Divorce Financial Portrait streamlines the expensive Discovery and Settlement phases, but it doesn’t replace the work divorce professionals do to represent your interests and negotiate on your behalf. 

The Divorce Financial Portrait puts you in control in your divorce and gives your attorney / mediator a clear financial plan to securing your financial future.


Do I Need a Divorce Financial Portrait™ if I’m doing a DIY Divorce?
No matter which way you get divorced, The Divorce Financial Portrait will always be the best way to prepare for divorce because it puts you in control with the financial insights needed to make clear, confident negotiation decisions. 
Do I Need an Attorney or Mediator if I get a Divorce Financial Portrait™?
Yes, in most cases, divorce attorneys and mediators are an essential part of the divorce process.  The Divorce Financial Portrait is not a replacement for legal representation.  The Divorce Financial Portrait is a personalized financial divorce plan that you provide your attorney / mediator so they understand what’s important to you.

We recommend everyone develop a professional divorce team specific to the complexity of their divorce. 

Who is the Divorce Financial Portrait™ For?
We work with anyone going through a divorce. We can work with individuals or families.  Ideally, we support clients at the beginning of the divorce journey, but we also support clients deeply entrenched in legal battles that need a framework for smart financial decisions beyond a net worth statement. 

We’d love to support you if you’re at any of the following stages:

  • Considering divorce and looking for information on its impact on your financial future
  • Separated and ready to move forward with the division of assets and property
  • Entrenched in a contentious legal battle that seems to be going nowhere and in need of expert, third party financial analysis
Who Is My Divorce Solution?
We are two women who went through divorce, felt “there’s got to be a better way,” and co-founded My Divorce Solution so others don’t have to face divorce like we did – alone, fearful, and uncertain.

Get Prepared for Divorce

Analyze your finances, understand your settlement options, and negotiate with confidence.

Take our Divorce Assessment to See if You Qualify for My Divorce Solution